A Year On – The Indy Ref and a Global Movement for Change

September 2014 was a month that will last long in the memory of people living in Scotland.  As the date of the Independence Referendum approached an unprecedented political debate was taking place in all corners of public life – workplaces, pubs, street corners, homes.  But it also saw the start of a worldwide movement, demanding  action on climate change.


People’s Climate March

For months the momentum of the referendum had been building and in September, as polls had the contest too tight to call, the contest was getting in turns passionate, and nasty.  Emotions ran high because for many at stake was an opportunity to completely rethink how we ran our society and economy.  An opportunity to start from scratch, shake off the burden of business-as-usual, and do things differently to benefit people and planet.  A once in a lifetime opportunity.

A year on and the impact of that summer rumbles on.  People in Scotland are more politically engaged, the SNP made history in May and the phenomenem of Corbynmania feels like the aftershocks of that awakening are still being felt even south of the border.

Photo by Polli Isherwood

Over 3000 people turned out to show they care about climate action Photo by Polli Isherwood

This September also marks the anniversary of the start of a worldwide movement – on the 21st September millions around the world marched in the streets to demand world leaders took action on cliamte change.  Over 3,000 people turned out in Edinburgh for the ‘People’s Climate March’ demanding ‘Action, not Words’.  Despite bitter dissapointment for many, just 4 days after the referendum, the spirit of civic engagement helped overwhelm the volunteers who organised the march – who had high hopes for a turn out of 500!

The same hope and vision that energised so many people in Scotland in the run up to the referendum is now needed to galvanise a popular movement to put pressure on world leaders to forge a strong and binding agreement at the UN climate talks in Paris this December.  Last September, Scotland, through public debate, if not at the ballot box, showed the world it had the self-confidence and spirit to imagine a different path.  To avoid dangerous climate change, the world needs to do the same.

Join us to kick start the movement in Scotland to demand action from world leaders in Paris, and to mark the anniversary of the People’s Climate March.  People’s Climate Rally, Saturday 26th September, 1pm – 4pm, The Mound, Edinburgh

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